Hauner Biobank
A long-term archive for patient samples

There is great research potential in the biomaterials that are taken from patients every day in routine clinical diagnostics, and thus the prospect of new treatment options for our young patients. This biomaterial is therefore preserved in a structured manner in the Hauner Biobank and thus made available for research.
Since mid-2021, patients and test subjects have been invited to participate in the Hauner Biobank by obtaining their consent for the collection, storage and use of biomaterials and the evaluation of medical data for research purposes. The Hauner Biobank is the central logistical platform for the storage and delivery of biosamples and data for scientific research at the Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital.
The biobank serves to improve our understanding of childhood and adolescent diseases with the aim of developing better diagnostic and treatment methods. In addition to its importance within the Hauner Children's Hospital, the biobank at the Munich site is also a link to other sites within the Deutschen Zentrums für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin (DZKJ).