Braun Lab
Max Eder Junior Research Group
Our mission - precision oncology for children with cancer
Every child is unique – and so is every cancer! This means that a treatment that successfully works for one little patient may not be effective for another. It is our mission to better understand the complicated molecular processes specific to each individual tumor – and to exploit this knowledge for the development of molecularly targeted and fully personalized treatment approaches.
Synthetic sickness - and why we believe "super cancers" don't existSynthetic lethality is a concept in molecular oncology that exploits the vulnerabilities of cancer cells while sparing normal cells. It's as easy as that!
We are driven by the idea that while cancer cells are "fitter" than most other cells of the human body, the complicated rewiring of biochemical processes that drives proliferation, therapeutic resistance or metastasis also renders them "addicted" to druggable processes. This concept is not new and has been exploited by doctors since the 1940s: Chemotherapy harms quickly dividing tumor cells more than many other body cells.
It is our mission to bring this to a new level and define molecular cancer vulnerabilities. Instead of administering highly toxic chemotherapeutics, we develop therapeutic approaches that interfere precisely with a molecular signaling pathways a specific tumor is addicted to.
We prefer the term "synthetic sickness" - because we do not neccesarily require that a new molecular approach must kill tumor cells. Reducing their "fitness" is oftentimes enough. But that's just the fineprint.
Harnessing the power of CRISPR genome editingWe employ cutting edge CRISPR technologies to decipher and therapeutically exploit molecular addictions of cancer cells. CRISPR genome editing was a real game changer for our work and enabled us to systematically probe whether a specific tumor cell is addicted to the function of a certain gene. We used to do this gene by gene – which is long, costly and slow. To speed up our discovery process, we now employ CRISPR screens to do this in parallel for thousands of genes and within a couple of days. These experiment cannot only be performed in plastic dishes, but also in organoid models or even in living tissues.
Drugging aberrant transcription and RNA metabolismWe have a special interest drugging transcription and RNA metabolism. Such processes are frequently aberrant in cancer, oftentimes druggable with small molecules and right at the heart of cancer biology! Our favorite molecular target is PRMT5 – an enzyme that regulates a specific splicing program centered around intron biology. PRMT5 was the top hit of one of our screens (Cancer Cell, 2017), several clinical trials have since been launched for cancer patients.
Andres Carbonell Adames, M. Sc.
Doctoral Researcher (PhD track)
M.Sc. LMU Munich, B. Sc. Penn State, U.S..A
☎ 089-4400-54724, Room: K0.31
Melina Bäuerle, M. Sc.
Doctoral Researcher (PhD track)
M.Sc. LMU Munich
☎ 089-4400-54724, Room: K0.31
Eva Bergmann, M. Sc.
Doctoral Researcher (PhD track)
M.Sc. LMU Munich
☎ 089-4400-54724, Room: K0.31
Annika Danker, Cand. med.
Doctoral Researcher (MD track)
☎ 089-4400-54724, Room: K0.31
Daniel Schäfer, Cand. med.
Doctoral Researcher (MD track)
Jointly supervised with Kimberly Stegmaier
at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute / Harvard Medical SchoolMoritz Schanzer, Cand. med.
Doctoral Researcher (MD track)
☎ 089-4400-54724, Room: K0.31
Heidi Noll-Puchta, VTA
Technician & Lab Manager
☎ 089-4400-54724
Room: K0.31
Mark Rassner,
Dr. med.
Clinician Scientist
☎ 089-4400-54724, Room: K0.31
Dr. med. Robert Lersch
Clinician Scientist
☎ 089-4400-54724, Room: K0.31
Liana Gahleitner, Cand. med.
Doctoral Researcher (MD track)
☎ 089-4400-54724, Room: K0.31
Dorothea Mock, Cand. med.
Doctoral Researcher (MD track)
☎ 089-4400-54724, Room: K0.31
Mayra Lenz, Cand. med.
Doctoral Researcher (MD track)
☎ 089-4400-54724, Room: K0.31
Emilie von Poblotzki, Cand. med.
Doctoral Researcher (MD track)
☎ 089-4400-54724, Room: K0.31
John Ku, B. Sc.
Master Thesis Student
B. Sc. California State Polytechnic University, USA
Satyendra Kumar, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
PhD Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Selected Publications
T. Kaltenbacher, J. Loprich, R. Maresch, J. Weber, S. Muller, R. Oellinger, N. Gross, J. Griger, N. de Andrade Kratzig, P. Avramopoulos, D. Ramanujam, S. Brummer, S. A. Widholz, S. Barthel, C. Falcomata, A. Pfaus, A. Alnatsha, J. Mayerle, M. Schmidt-Supprian, M. Reichert, G. Schneider, U. Ehmer, C. J. Braun, D. Saur, S. Engelhardt, and R. Rad. CRISPR somatic genome engineering and cancer modeling in the mouse pancreas and liver.
Nature protocols (2022)
Journal Impact Factor2021: 17.021J. Weber, C. J. Braun, D. Saur, R. Rad. In vivo functional screening for systems-level integrative cancer genomics. In vivo functional screening for systems-level integrative cancer genomics.
Nature Reviews Cancer (2020)
Journal Impact Factor2021: 69.800M. Becker, H. Noll-Puchta, D. Amend, F. Nolte, C. Fuchs, I. Jeremias*, C. J. Braun*. CLUE: a bioinformatic and wet-lab pipeline for multiplexed cloning of custom sgRNA libraries.
Nucleic Acids Research (2020)
Journal Impact Factor2021: 19.160C. J. Braun*, M. Stanciu*, P. L. Boutz*, J. C. Patterson, D. Calligaris, F. Higuchi, R. Neupane, S. Fenoglio, D. P. Cahill, H. Wakimoto, N. Y. R. Agar, M. B. Yaffe, P. A. Sharp, M. T. Hemann, J. A. Lees. Coordinated Splicing of Regulatory Detained Introns within Oncogenic Transcripts Creates an Exploitable Vulnerability in Malignant Glioma. *equal contributions
Cancer Cell (2017)
Journal Impact Factor2021: 38.585
C. J. Braun*, P. M. Bruno*, M. A. Horlbeck, L. A. Gilbert, J. S. Weissman, M. T. Hemann. Versatile in vivo regulation of tumor phenotypes by dCas9 mediated transcriptional perturbation. *equal contributions
PNAS (2016)
Journal Impact Factor2021: 10.700
I. G. Cannell, K. A. Merrick*, S. Morandell*, C. Z. Zhu, C. J. Braun, R. A. Grant, E. R. Cameron, M. Tsao, M.T. Hemann and M. B. Yaffe. A Pleiotropic RNA-Binding Protein Controls Distinct Cell Cycle Checkpoints to Drive Resistance of p53-defective Tumors to Chemotherapy.
Cancer Cell (2015)
Journal Impact Factor2021: 38.585
C. J. Braun*, K. Boztug*, A. Paruzynski*, M. Witzel*, A. Schwarzer, M. Rothe, U. Modlich, R. Beier, G. Göhring, D. Steinemann, R. Fronza, C. R. Ball, R. Haemmerle, S. Naundorf, K. Kühlcke, M. Rose, C. Fraser, L. Mathias, R. Ferrari, M. R. Abboud, W. Al-Herz, I. Kondratenko, L. Maródi, H. Glimm, B. Schlegelberger, A. Schambach, M. H. Albert, M. Schmidt, C. von Kalle, and C. Klein. Gene Therapy for Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome--long-term efficacy and genotoxicity. *equal contributions
Science translational medicine (2014)
Journal Impact Factor2021: 19.359
C. P. Pallasch, I. Leskov, C. J. Braun, D. Vorholt, A. Drake, Y. M. Soto-Feliciano, E. H. Bent, J. Schwamb, B. Iliopoulou, N. Kutsch, N. van Rooijen, L. P. Frenzel, C. M. Wendtner, L. Heukamp, K. A. Kreuzer, M. Hallek, J. Chen, and M. T. Hemann. Sensitizing Protective Tumor Microenvironments to Antibody-Mediated Therapy.
Cell (2014)
Journal Impact Factor2021: 66.850
CLUE: Multiplexed sgRNA library design and production
Pooled sgRNA libraries targeting hundreds or thousands of individual genes are right at the heart of functional genomics. Such libraries are broadly available, but usually not tailored to the scientific interest of researchers. With our tool CRISPR clue were were out to bring custom sgRNA library production to all labs - streamlining the cloning process, lowering synthesis costs and reducing bioinformatics to the bare minimum. Check out and the manuscript at Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)!
Update February 28th 2024: CLUE is under maintenance, but will be back soon!
Join us!
We are highly enthusiastic about science - but also love to teach, discuss, collaborate and hang out.
If you are interested in CRISPR screens, functional genomics, genetic crosstalk, context dependence, translation into clinic and the discovery of new treatment opportunities for childhood cancers: please don't hesitate to send an email to Christian ( or any of the current lab members.
Christian Braun Lab
Kinderklinik und Kinderpoliklinik im Dr. von Haunerschen Kinderspital,
Klinikum der Universität München, LMU München
Postal Address: Lindwurmstr. 4
Visiting Address: Research Building, Lindwurmstraße 2a
80337 Munich
Room: K 0.5
Phone: +49 (0)89 - 4400 - 54724
Fax: +49 (0)89 - 4400 - 57702
Lab Manager: Heidi Noll-Puchta
Postal Address: Lindwurmstr. 4
Visiting Address: Research Building, Lindwurmstraße 2a
80337 Munich
Room: K 0.31
Phone: +49 (0)89 - 4400 - 54724
Fax: +49 (0)89 - 4400 - 57702