Schwerd Lab
Research topics
- Diet and microbiome
- Mucosal immunology
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Eosinophilic esophagitis
Laboratory - Basic ResearchDr. med. Hannes HölzClinician Scientist+49 (0) 89 4400-57776zguuic/züiänßvimtf;ul_vfiuySziu miKolja Siebert (MSc)Doctoral student (PhD-track, SFB1371)+49 (0) 89 4400-57776oüäkg-clijipbvimsful_vfiuyz,iu miSimon BühlerDocotoral student (MD-track, Cusanuswerk)+49 (0) 89 4400-57776clvüYu jfizäipvimsful+vfiuyziuemiAlisia BeckmannDoctoral student (MD-track, FöFoLe)+49 (0) 89 4400-57776DgälJclg jiyovguuvimsful+vfiuyziu/miLena BragagnaDoctoral student (MD track)+48 (0) 89 4400-57776äiug-jpgxgxuSgvdimsful_vfiuyziutWmiAarushi Davesar (MSc)Doctoral student (PhD track, SFB1371)+49 (0) 89 4400-57776ggpWfczl mgqicgpvimsful#vfiJuyziu-maiMarie-Luise FrankDoctoral student (MD track, FöFoLe)+49 (0) 89 4400-57776vgplihäflciewpguovim-fSul_vfiuyziu miAnja JurkDoctoral student (MD track, FöFoLe)+49 (0) 89 4400-57776gukg kfpovim;, ful_vfiuyziu miMaximilian KochDoctoral student (MD track, FöFoLe)+49 (0) 89 4400-57776vgƒlvlälgueoüyzavi;m fulrvf:iu,yziusmiIna SchackerDoctoral student (MD track, FöFoLe)+49 (0) 89 4400-57776lug cyzgyoipvimsf,ulGvfiu:yz;iuemiTill SiedenbergDoctoral student (MD track, FöFoLe)+49 (0) 89 4400-57776blää-climiujipxvim fu;l#vfiuyziu miKatharina SocasDoctoral student (MD track)+49 (0) 89 4400-57776ogb;gp:lug-cWüygcvimefulGvfiuydziu-miNadine StollBiotechnician+49 (0) 89 4400-57776ugmlui-cbüääDWvimeful#vfi;uyziunsmiValeriia AndrieivaDoctoral student (MD track, FöFoLe)+49 (0) 89 4400-57776qgäipll,gegumplil,qg:vimeful#vafiuyziuemiClinical TrialsKatarina Csollarova (Dipl. oec. troph. univ., MPH)Scientific Project Manager+49 (0) 89-4400-57958ogbSgplug ycüäägpüqgvim ful+vfiuyziuemiDr. Federica De ZenScientific Project ManagerAlexandra Fabry-Said (MA. rer. nat)Scientific Project ManagerDr. Thu Giang Le Thi (MSc, MPH)Scientific Project ManagerDr. Katharina Werkstetter (MSc, MPH)Scientific Project Manager+49 (0) 89 4400-53680ogbzgJplug Yéipocbibbipv:imsful_vfiuyziu-mi -
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract harbors a complex community of microbes (e.g. bacteria, fungi, archaea, viruses) and various food antigens. Diet is one of the key environmental factors that shapes the gut microbiota. In healthy individuals no pathologic features occur, despite lamina propria infiltration with various immune cells and separation from luminal microorganisms and dietary antigens by only a single epithelial layer and mucus. Complex regulatory pathways must therefore maintain intestinal immune homeostasis in a healthy GI tract.
My group focus on childhood inflammatory and allergic diseases of the GI tract caused by a dysregulated interaction between diet, the microbiome and the mucosal immune system, like inflammatory bowel diseases or eosinophilic esophagitis.
Impact of exclusive enteral nutrition on microbiome signatures and function in pediatric Crohn’s disease (SFB1371/P01)Crohn’s disease (CD), a major subtype of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is characterized by cycles of remission and relapse. Genetic susceptibility in combination with compositional and functional changes in the intestinal microbiome are considered to play a key role in the etiology of IBD. Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) is highly effective for induction of remission in pediatric CD. EEN means exclusive feeding with a liquid formula for eight weeks. EEN is able to control disease activity, supports mucosal healing, improves malnutrition and growth, and has an excellent safety profile. However, due to the highly demanding adherence to exclusive formula feeding, EEN is not considered a long-term maintenance treatment. Given that clinical efficacy of EEN in pediatric CD is associated with shifts in the intestinal microbiota, we aim to understand the role of the microbiota in EEN. Our work includes analysis of the types of bacteria present (microbiome sequencing), what they are doing (fecal microbiome) as well as examination of the gut immune cell signaling.
Weblink: SFB1371
Crohn’s disease (CD), a major subtype of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is characterized by cycles of remission and relapse. Genetic susceptibility in combination with compositional and functional changes in the intestinal microbiome are considered to play a key role in the etiology of IBD. Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) is highly effective for induction of remission in pediatric CD. EEN means exclusive feeding with a liquid formula for eight weeks. EEN is able to control disease activity, supports mucosal healing, improves malnutrition and growth, and has an excellent safety profile. However, due to the highly demanding adherence to exclusive formula feeding, EEN is not considered a long-term maintenance treatment. Given that clinical efficacy of EEN in pediatric CD is associated with shifts in the intestinal microbiota, we aim to understand the role of the microbiota in EEN. Our work includes analysis of the types of bacteria present (microbiome sequencing), what they are doing (fecal microbiome) as well as examination of the gut immune cell signaling.
Weblink: SFB1371
T-cell immunity in childhood and adolescent eosinophilic esophagitis. Longitudinal study of the interaction between the immune system, microbiome and nutrition (EoE-LIME)Abbildung 1: Multiplex-Immunfluoreszenzfärbung einer Ösophagusbiopsie. Von einem Patienten mit aktiver Eosinophiler Ösophagitis ist eine Ösophagusbiopsie in der Übersicht gezeigt (Maßstab siehe links unten im Bild). Neben der Kernfärbung (DAPI) wurden eosinophile Granulozyten (EPX+), Mastzellen (MCT+) und T-Zellsubpopulationen (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, FoxP3+) angefärbt. Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic, immune- and antigen-mediated disease of the esophagus that leads to esophageal dysfunction. The etiology is multifactorial and still poorly understood. Besides genetic factors, environmental allergens in food or air play a crucial role. IgE-mediated hypersensitivity and a delayed T-cell-mediated immune response using Th2 interleukins (IL) IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 result in the recruitment and activation of eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells. The aim of the study is to describe and functionally characterize T cell subpopulations with respect to their influence on eosinophilic inflammation and inflammatory resolution in the context of environmental factors (food allergens, microbiome) in EoE.”
- Koletzko L, Klucker E, Le Thi TG, Breiteneicher S, Rubio-Acero R, Neuhaus L, Stark RG, Standl M, Wieser A, Töröl H, Koletzko S, Schwerd T. Following Pediatric and Adult IBD Patients through the COVID-19 Pandemic: Changes in Psychosocial Burden and Perception of Infection Risk and Harm over Time. J Clin Med. 2021, 10(18), 4124;
Bruckner A, Werkstetter KJ, Frivolt K, Shokry E, Ahmed M, Metwaly A, Marques JG, Uhl O, Krohn K, Hajji M, Otte S, Pozza SB, Bufler P, Liptay S, Haller D, Koletzko B, Koletzko S, Schwerd T. Partial enteral nutrition has no benefit on bone health but improves growth in paediatric patients with quiescent or mild Crohn's disease. Clin Nutr. 2020 Dec;39(12):3786-3796.
Serra EG, Schwerd T, Moutsianas L, Cavounidis A, Fachal L, Pandey S, Kammermeier J, Croft NM, Posovszky C, Rodrigues A, Russell RK, Barakat F, Auth MKH, Heuschkel R, Zilbauer M, Fyderek K, Braegger C, Travis SP, Satsangi J, Parkes M, Thapar N, Ferry H, Matte JC, Gilmour KC, Wedrychowicz A, Sullivan P, Moore C, Sambrook J, Ouwehand W, Roberts D, Danesh J, Baeumler TA, Fulga TA, Karaminejadranjbar M, Ahmed A, Wilson R, Barrett JC, Elkadri A, Griffiths AM, investigators CiIg, Oxford IBDcsi, Study I, Swiss IBDci, Consortium UIG, Consortium NIG, Snapper SB, Shah N, Muise AM, Wilson DC, Uhlig HH, Anderson CA. Somatic mosaicism and common genetic variation contribute to the risk of very-early-onset inflammatory bowel disease. Nat Commun 2020;11:995.
Schwerd T, Bryant RV, Pandey S, Capitani M, Meran L, Cazier JB, Jung J, Mondal K, Parkes M, Mathew CG, Fiedler K, McCarthy DJ, Consortium WGS, Oxford IBDcsi, investigators CiIg, Consortium UIG, Sullivan PB, Rodrigues A, Travis SPL, Moore C, Sambrook J, Ouwehand WH, Roberts DJ, Danesh J, Study I, Russell RK, Wilson DC, Kelsen JR, Cornall R, Denson LA, Kugathasan S, Knaus UG, Serra EG, Anderson CA, Duerr RH, McGovern DP, Cho J, Powrie F, Li VS, Muise AM, Uhlig HH. NOX1 loss-of-function genetic variants in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Mucosal Immunol 2018;11:562-574.
Schwerd T, Twigg SRF, Aschenbrenner D, Manrique S, Miller KA, Taylor IB, Capitani M, McGowan SJ, Sweeney E, Weber A, Chen L, Bowness P, Riordan A, Cant A, Freeman AF, Milner JD, Holland SM, Frede N, Muller M, Schmidt-Arras D, Grimbacher B, Wall SA, Jones EY, Wilkie AOM, Uhlig HH. A biallelic mutation in IL6ST encoding the GP130 co-receptor causes immunodeficiency and craniosynostosis. J Exp Med 2017;214:2547-2562.
Schwerd T, Pandey S, Yang HT, Bagola K, Jameson E, Jung J, Lachmann RH, Shah N, Patel SY, Booth C, Runz H, Duker G, Bettels R, Rohrbach M, Kugathasan S, Chapel H, Keshav S, Elkadri A, Platt N, Muise AM, Koletzko S, Xavier RJ, Marquardt T, Powrie F, Wraith JE, Gyrd-Hansen M, Platt FM, Uhlig HH. Impaired antibacterial autophagy links granulomatous intestinal inflammation in Niemann-Pick disease type C1 and XIAP deficiency with NOD2 variants in Crohn's disease. Gut 2017;66:1060-1073.
Schwerd T, Frivolt K, Clavel T, Lagkouvardos I, Katona G, Mayr D, Uhlig HH, Haller D, Koletzko S, Bufler P. Exclusive enteral nutrition in active pediatric Crohn disease: Effects on intestinal microbiota and immune regulation. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016;138:592-6.
Schwerd T, Khaled AV, Schurmann M, Chen H, Handel N, Reis A, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Uhlig HH, Abou Jamra R. A recessive form of extreme macrocephaly and mild intellectual disability complements the spectrum of PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome. Eur J Hum Genet 2016;24:889-94.
Uhlig HH, Schwerd T, Koletzko S, Shah N, Kammermeier J, Elkadri A, Ouahed J, Wilson DC, Travis SP, Turner D, Klein C, Snapper SB, Muise AM, Group CiIS, Neopics. The diagnostic approach to monogenic very early onset inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology 2014;147:990-1007 e3.
Frivolt K, Schwerd T, Werkstetter KJ, Schwarzer A, Schatz SB, Bufler P, Koletzko S. Repeated exclusive enteral nutrition in the treatment of paediatric Crohn's disease: predictors of efficacy and outcome. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2014;39:1398-407.
April 2022: Marie-Luise Frank presented her thesis work
Successful presentation of her thesis work at the annual FöFoLe seminar in Herrsching April 2022: well done Marie-Luise!
April 2022: New colleagues in our team!
Jeannine Heetmeyer (MD) - Lab and Clinical Study Team
Katarina Csollarova (Dipl. oek. troph. univ, MPH) - Clinical Study Team
Dr. Katharina Werkstetter (MSc, MPH) - Clinical Study Team
will support our upcoming study projects!
Feb 2022: New medical doctoral candidates in our lab!
We welcome our new medical doctoral candidates
cand med. Anja Jurk
cand. med. Katharina Socas and
cand. med. Maximilian Koch
in our laboratory - welcome to our research team!
July 2021: Tobias Schwerd is awarded the ECCO Grant for the research project “Tissue-associated microbial and cellular drivers of resolution of inflammation and disease exacerbation in a long-term cohort of paediatric CD patients”
October 2021: Hannes Hölz will present e-Poster at UEG Week conference
The step-up treatment approach in pediatric ulcerative colitis results in frequent relapses: a retrospective analysis according to STRIDE-II (Selecting Therapeutic Targets in Inflammatory Bowel Disease) recommendations
H. Hölz 1, M.-L. Frank 1, L. Bragagna 1, S. Bühler 1, K. Siebert 1, A. Brückner 1, F. De Zen 1, E. Klucker 1, 2, T. Foerg 1, K. Krohn 2, E. Lurz 1, M.S. Hajji 1, S. Koletzko 1,3, T.G. Le Thi 1 and T. Schwerd 1
1 Department of Pediatrics, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital and 2 Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Integrated Social Pediatric Center (iSPZ Hauner), University Hospital, LMU Munich, Germany 3 Department of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology and Nutrition, School of Medicine Collegium Medicum University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland.
April 2021: Simon Bühler won the best poster presentation of the Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (GPGE)
Retrospektive Analyse der Erstlinientherapie und des Verlaufs bei pädiatrischen Patienten mit eosinophiler Ösophagitis vor und nach Aktualisierung der Therapieempfehlungen im Jahr 2017
S. Bühler, H. Hölz, E. Lurz, E. Klucker, T. Förg, S. Koletzko, M. S. Hajji, T. Schwerd
Abteilung für pädiatrische Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Ernährung, Dr. von Haunersches Kinderspital, Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
April 2021: Hannes Hölz held oral presentation at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (GPGE)
Therapieziele bei pädiatrischer CED: Retrospektive Auswertung anhand der aktualisierten STRIDE-II-Kriterien
H. Hölz, A. Brückner, F. De Zen, K. Siebert, S. Bühler, J. Seyffarth, J. F. Grill, M. Kurzay, E. S. Klucker, T. Förg, G. T. Le Thi, S. Koletzko, K. Krohn, E. Lurz, M. S. Hajji, T. Schwerd
Abteilung für Pädiatrische Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, Dr. von Haunersches Kinderspital, Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
Schwerd Lab / Translationale Gastroenterologie in der Pädiatrie
Kinderklinik und Kinderpoliklinik
im Dr. von Haunerschen Kinderspital
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
Lindwurmstr. 4
80337 Munich, Germany
Visiting Adress:
Research Building, Lindwurmstraße 2a
Rooms KO.21
80337 Munich
Phone: +49 (0)89 4400-57776
Fax: +49 (0)89 4400-57898