Flow Cytometry

The Flow Cytometry Core Facility provides flow cytometric analysis and cell sorting service for biomedical investigators from the Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, the University Hospital LMU Munich, as well as external collaborators.
We offer state-of-the-art equipped flow cytometer instrumentation, including a BD LSRFortessa™ (5 laser; self-run acquisition), BD FACSAria™ III (4 laser; performed by expert technicians), and autoMACS (Miltenyi Biotec). Moreover, we provide two workstations for data analysis.
The facility staff is specialized to train and assist researchers with analysis and sorting, e.g., experimental design, acquisition, and analysis of data from multi-parametric flow cytometric experiments.
Please contact the facility staff for any issues regarding access to the FACS research facility, introduction, training, and assistance, including protocol design, instrument operation, data analysis, and troubleshooting. Interested researchers are also invited to visit the facility and meet the staff to discuss research.
For Booking, please send the PDF "Sort Form FACS" to the staff
More information will follow soon.

Dr. Daniel Kotlarz
Scientific Coordinator FACS Facility and Principal Investigator
✉ daniel.kotlarz@med.uni-muenchen.de☎ 089-4400-53123

Raffaele Conca
Manager FACS Facility and Technician
✉ raffaele.conca@med.uni-muenchen.de☎ 089-4400-74994

Susanne Wullinger
☎ 089-4400-57994
☎ 089-4400-57705
For booking or information please contact Susanne Wullinger or Raffaele Conca.
For booking, please send the PDF via E-Mail to the staff.
More information will follow soon.
More information will follow soon.
More information will follow soon.